We're into fall now and one of the wonders we get to experience is watching the newbies in the flock. Some of the "new girls" are beginning to lay - some start small with eggs that are perhaps 3/4 the size of a standard chicken egg, some start right off with a regular size egg (ouch!). The newbies are adorable. We have a trio of pullets that are highly inquisitive, being the first out the door when moved to their new location and the first on the scene if we arrive with a special treat. I like the range of personalities, from the bold ones that walk right up to us to the girls that seem fully engrossed in their own affairs. We also have a few new roos, one of whom is son of our senior rooster. It's astounding the way the two have arranged their turf. From the moment we brought the son down from the hill there has not been a cross word between the two. I haven't even seen them directly approach each other, or ever get in each others' way. They have co-mingled a bit, with junior's flock getting mixed in with senior and his flock, and have had zero confrontation. They seem to respect each others' hens/pullets and have equal leadership abilities within their groups. I am incredibly pleased with both roos and have high hopes that they are able to fair well through winter. I'll try to get some pictures soon!