Caledonia Hills Farm LLC, Portage, WI

Monday, December 8, 2008

Think a heritage bird just won't do the trick?

Need a large bird for a family or gathering? Put two heritage birds in your roasting pan! Works great, takes just a little longer to cook than one small bird and has the added benefit of more drumsticks to go around for kids!

Didn't have time to think of what's for supper but still want something healthy? The smaller heritage birds (particularly 3 1/2 lbs. and under) can go straight from freezer to roasting in the oven, no need to thaw. This can limit the options for preparation - no yummy herbs under the skin - but it's nice in a pinch and doesn't detract from the flavor.

Why else are the Dark Cornish, specifically, so great? We find their flavor just can't be beat. I will prepare other birds for us since we have them, and we have it on good authority that the Wyandottes make great stock and do fantastic on the grill, but I'm always sad when I search the freezer and find no more Dark Cornish. There's a great deal of information available on heritage birds now. Most people remark that their flavor far surpasses the Cornish Rock crosses, in part do to the slower growth. I'll be working on providing more links to information on the heritage birds but we know that, ultimately, it's your taste that will have to make the final choice.

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